Friday, July 22, 2011

Better late than never

Uhh....good afternoon (taps microphone sheepishly).  Welcome to ridiculously fit!  I'm Jason, and this is my first time doing a blog so we'll see how this all goes as a group.  What is 'ridiculously fit'?  Well, it's been something bubbling in my mind for a while now and it's finally evolved from a smelly soupy goo into an almost coherent idea.

What's going on with me today?
Today was a light day amongst an ongoing set of light days.  I'm not too worried, clients are still speaking to me but it seems like everyone is going out of town at the same time lately.  Makes for long boring days of 2 clients in the morning and 2 clients in the evening.  That middle part of the day is getting to be a yawner.

However, you benefit by being witness to the birth of my multimedia empire.  Here is my first blogger word salad post.  I am also writing up a piece about golf fitness for potential publication (fingers crossed).

Fit topic of the day 
Resistance training.  I know I shouldn't, and I'll feel bad about it later, but I'm going to generalize for a moment.  If you are looking for a blog about fitness training you may have already begun some type of exercise program.  If so, in my experience, it consists of about 99% cardio training.  After trudging down to the basement, you throw on some 'Mad Men' or 'Battlestar Galactica' DVDs and off you go for 35 or 40 minutes.

Great job!  However, you are leaving out a whole host of fat burning exercises which can get you results quickly.  Incorporating some basic, even body weight, exercises into your routine can greatly improve the level of post exercise burn.  Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) is your body replenishing the energy consumed, removing waste, and lowering your body temperature to pre-exercise levels.  When you are still sweating at your desk an hour after your lunchtime workout you may have been feeling some EPOC effects.

You can achieve a high level of (EPOC) from cardiovascular training alone, or by incorporating a few resistance circuits to your workout you can get a much bigger spike.  Perform single sets of squats, pushups, lunges, planks with a faster paced 10 minute cardio interval 3 or 4 times in your 40 minute block and you will be pitting out your shirts all day long.  An extra stick of deodorant can take up space in that candy drawer you keep telling yourself not to replenish as a bonus.

I would enjoy some audience participation so send me an email with a question, rant, or pleasant thoughts.

Me and my Ipod:  Back Squats, Chest press on ball, static lunge with cable twist, side flexion on ball - x3 sets
20 minutes on treadmill - WTF with Marc Maron - Christopher Titus episode.

Ridiculously Fit Person of the day
Pro Golfer - Camilo Villegas

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